Bodhi Day Events on the Horizon

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December 2, 2014

Bodhi Day Events on the Horizon

As a reminder, our Buddha Wakes Retreat is taking place this weekend, December 6-7. The deadline for registering is tomorrow,  December 3, and there is still room for full time and part time participation. Please contact Steve Milligan at to sign up.


Monday, December 8: A Bodhi Day Service
with the
Vast Refuge Sangha and Andrew Palmer, Sensei
at the Cadet Chapel, USAFA, 6-8 pm

The service will consist of meditation, sharing and exploring the Buddha’s story together, then having time to connect with one another while enjoying refreshments. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Please RSVP to Andrew at by this Friday, December 5, if you will be attending, and if you have any questions.