Bodhi Day! Retreat Saturday December 5, 2020

In the Vastness, This Point of Light
A Day’s Meditation Retreat

with Sarah Bender, Roshi and Springs Mountain Sangha

Saturday, December 5, 2020
in the online Dharma Hall,
9 AM to 5 PM MST  (evening conversation optional)

December Zoom link to be announced


No registration required;  *donations to SMS gratefully accepted
Contact:       Debbie Stavish:

Once in a very long time, maybe a couple of thousand years, someone is born on this small planet whose fate is to encounter a question—like, “Why do we humans flop about so, like a startled flounder at the bottom of a starlit sea, suffering so?”—to encounter such a question so starkly that it leads them on a journey through realm after realm of questions and ways of asking, until finally only one wordless question remains.

Once in a very long time, such a person is so still that a pinpoint of brilliant starlight just before dawn can penetrate the stillness utterly, meeting the question right where it lives and lighting everything, bringing such joy that a world is lit by that joy, forever after. 

And even stranger and more wonderful, once in an even longer time, all of time, there is you. And in you there is this journey, there is this moment.

Let’s celebrate for a day. Let’s enter that stillness and that joy together. What is your own journey like?  What is your own light?