Ceremony for the Beloved Dead

statues of Jizo, protector of children and guide through the underworld

Ceremony for the Beloved Dead

Saturday 8:00 AM, November 2

Shove Chapel, Colorado College

The Great Wheel of the Seasons 

This is the season when the veils between the worlds are thinnest.  We feel a kinship with all that has returned to Earth, all that becomes bare and skeletal.  We miss those we have loved who have died, and the memories of whole chunks of our lives that may have gone with them.

On All Souls Day, Dia de los Muertes, we gather in a simple ceremony to remember those we care about who have died. In remembering, we bring them close and can thank them, can express our gratitude for what they have given and our forgiveness for the difficulties we had with them. For quite a few of us, this year has held the deaths of people we loved dearly. And for others, those deaths may be farther in the past, but we may never have had a chance to bless them and release them in ceremony.

You are invited to bring photos or mementos of the ones you are remembering, or something they loved to eat, and to speak of them, if you wish, as we say their names and light a candle for each.