Guest Speaker AyyaDhammadira Monday, December 10th

Guest Speaker AyyaDhammadira
Monday, December 10th

Instead of Community Night we will have Sister Ayya Dhammadira speak.  Preceding the talk we will meditate.  Following her talk will be a discussion.

About Ayya  Dhammadhira

Contemplating the impermanent nature of life led Sister to Buddhist practice. After attending several retreats and attending a Soto Zen meditation  group, she was drawn to the teachings of Ajahn Chah, the Thai Forest master of the Theravada tradition. This led her to venture overseas to England where women were allowed to ordain as ten precept monastics. There she stayed for eleven years before returning to the U.S. to join a group of bhikkhunis in California. In 2015, she came to Colorado Springs to visit Amma Thanasanti and investigate a different way of being in community.

Eventually Thanasanti left Colorado and Dhammadhira stayed, founding the non-profit “Web of Connection” as a vehicle for supporting her alms mendicant lifestyle. At present, she lives alone in her small Westside hermitage here in Colorado Springs (called Deer Park), and hosts weekly meditation and inquiry meetings which emphasize the practice of awareness in daily life.