Movie Night Discussion rescheduled to Thurs June 4th

Movie Night Series
Grave of the Fireflies & My Neighbor Totoro

Please watch movie prior to next Thursday night discussion at 6:30 pm.
Facilitated by Jeff Wagner

Join us as we watch and discuss the 1988 animated classics by Studio Ghibli, as a two-part series on hope, survival, suffering, and identity. We’ll discuss “My Neighbor Totoro” and the interplay between it and Grave of the Fireflies. 

We’ll do the same logistic set-up as the previous movie night (watch separately and meet up via Zoom). A note of warning: these movies have very intense and depressing themes, particularly “Grave of the Fireflies”. However, combining these movies is a powerful, rewarding emotional experience and especially with each other to enjoy the difficult themes together. We’re looking forward to having you join the conversation!

Some primer questions to shape the conversation: what is hope for the characters? What do you share with the characters? What themes or lessons can be applied during these times of suffering? 

Both movies can be found for free on YouTube if you search the movie titles and (FULL MOVIE); however, higher quality versions and options to choose between dubbed or subbed versions can be found on Amazon and other streaming sites.

~Koan gatherings, classes and sutra studies are supported by donations you drop into a dana bowl, which are deeply appreciated—but never required.