One Day Open Source Zoom Retreat April 5, 2020

Which Life Is This?Which Life Is This?

A One-Day Open Source Online Retreat
Sunday, April 5, 9 am – 5 pm PST, 10 am – 6 pm MST

Sarah Bender, Roshi; Andrew Palmer, Sensei;
Tenney Nathanson, Sensei; Megan Rundel, Sensei

Free by Zoom; dana gratefully received.

In a time of chaos, we might find ourselves continually picking at the pieces of the life we thought we had, trying to reassemble, and wondering who we might be now. We might also sense, deep inside, that beauty is holding us nonetheless, that we are held even by the whole mess itself, and that somewhere, somehow, we are all the time completely whole.

Our koan tradition has stories about this, and about what it’s like to discover the wholeness right in the midst of this very life that has chosen us, with its sickness and health, power and helplessness.   “Which is the True Ch’ien?” is such a story, and one worth lingering with for a day.

On April 5 we’ll spend a day moving back and forth between meditation and conversation.   An earthy and ethereal, together and alone sort of a day, to rest, wake, muse and explore together.

Sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks and conversation, koan salon, optional work in the room after the retreat.

To receive the schedule for the day ahead of time, contact Sarah at