Rededication this Monday, January 2013

Rededication this Monday

Monday, January 6, 2014

Under the new moon of a new year,
in the subtle light of winter
possibilities can be seen—
the power of beginning.
It’s a good time to rededicate our energies
to all that can bring gladness and heal suffering.
It’s a great time to notice and celebrate the power of intention:
that by binding ourselves to what we love–to what seems
beautiful, true and important–
we can rise to meet the life that meets us,
and joy comes of that.
This coming Monday, January 6, 2014,
when we get together at Shove Chapel to practice the Buddha Way
–the Way of Awakening–
we’ll light some extra candles,
offer a special dedication during our sutra service,
and have a time for us individually and collectively
to re-dedicate our practice together in community.
If there’s something you’d like to place on the altar
this Monday, bring that. If there’s something
you’d like to say, sing or read, bring that.
See you on Monday!