SAVE the DATE: June 2016 MahaSangha Retreat




Our first ever Open Source MahaSangha Retreat, June 19-25, 2016. The Open Source is the network of communities in the tradition of Joan Sutherland, Roshi and the Pacific Zen School.
Our setting is the lovely Catamount Center, near Colorado Springs. It’s a beautiful spot on the flanks of Pike’s Peak, with basic but pleasant lodging, tenting area, great vegetarian food,  a Dharma Hall (and by then there will be a big yurt), a lake with a barrel sauna, a tipi, and lots and lots of space with trails.  It’s a bit high, at 9,500 feet, but there will be little golf carts to help anyone who needs a boost getting around.

This week-long meditation retreat will be co-led by our four Open Source teachers: Sarah Bender, Tenney Nathanson, Andrew Palmer and Megan Rundel. With a full week’s retreat, there will be plenty of time for silent meditation, community koan meditation, Dharma talks, individual and collective conversation, and hanging out on the sacred ground of this young, rocky mountain at the spine of our continent.

More information, including cost and registration, will follow. For now, we just hope you will be planning to attend and saving those dates in your calendar!