The Open Source Teachers Series starts Wednesday!

Dancing with Dark Enigma

A series of Open Source dharma talks and conversation
Every Wednesday in January
Beginning January 6, 6:30-8 pm PST
This week’s talk by Megan Rundel, Sensei
Free by Zoom, link below

Dear Friends,

When I was a kid, I was afraid of the dark. I mean really, really scared; I often slept with all the lights in my room blazing. The darkness felt like a menace, a threat, something so vaguely terrifying that it could completely overtake me. 

Needless to say, an appreciation for the gifts of the dark did not come quickly or easily to me. In fact, it was a long journey that involved facing primal fear and loneliness on the way to the discovery of beauty and solace of the dark.

This Wednesday, I will begin our Open Source January dharma talk series called Dancing with Dark-Enigma with my own story of shifting my relationship to the unknown, unformed, mysterious aspects of reality and my own mind. 

Please join us! The talk is this Weds 1/6 from 7:30-9 MST (6:30-8 PST). The Zoom link is below. Hope to see you there!

Blessings for the new year,