Zen Threads with John Harder Rescheduled from April 6th to April 13th, 2019

Zen Threads Rescheduled

April 13, 2019 (from this Saturday April)
by John Harder John will be talking about his early influences on his interest in Zen.  John is a LCSW with a private practice in Pueblo, CO.  (He is also a fabulous photographer whose photos are regularly used as our newsletter pictures – with permission…thank you John)

Zen Threads is given at 8:00 AM during the 4th meditation on Saturday morning.*  There will be time for discussion during this period, after which we clean up and go to Wooglins for breakfast and further discussion.

That day there is a koan study  from 10:00 AM  to 12:00 PM at Creek Bend Zendo – all are welcome to join.  

*You are invited to come into the meditation hall anytime before the talk on the hour or half hour – 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, or 8:00.  Remember only the north door of Shove Chapel is open at that time.