Springs Mountain Sangha August 2014 Calendar

July 19, 2014



Ongoing  Events
Note Changes!!
Newcomer Orientation: 2nd Monday of the month, CC Shove Chapel, Dharma Hall upstairs at 5:45 pm to meet anyone who would like some orientation to meditation, to our tradition, or to our sangha and customs.
Dharma Study and Discussion: Each Monday 5:15 pm, CC Shove Chapel, Dharma Hall downstairs.
August 11th Jane Rigler Flutist (information below please come and bring friends to this very special event!)
August 18th:  Community Night (note the change for this month)

Dharma Talks:

(Sarah Bender, Sensei will not be giving a dharma talk in August)
August 16th Andrew Palmer, Sensei
Work in the Room:  August 25th, Andrew Palmer, Sensei (contact person to be announced)
Steering Committee Meeting:  August 5th  6:30 – 8:30 at Liz Cramer’s house 533 Crystal Hills Blvd.  Contact: Robert King @ kingrh@comcast.net) for updated information


July Retreat Hike

July 27 SMS First Annual Summer Meditation Hike with Sarah Bender, Sensei.  We will do a 3-4 hour hike that is considered “moderate”.  The day will include some guided meditative walking, some talking walking, some guided meditation.  A koan or three might come along, as well.  Please look at the detailed email for this hike and contact Liz Cramer @ elizabeth.cramer51@gmail.com

August Events
 Zen Threads

August 2 (and all First Saturdays)


Something new!  Starting August 2, Saturday morning’s meditation schedule will be a little different on the first Saturday of every month.
6:30 to 8:00 AM Three periods of meditation as before
8:00 AM Someone will give a brief talk or resonation (10-15 minutes).  This might be to bring in something he or she has read, seen, heard, lived, noticed or a topic of interest, perhaps a question to raise with the group.  Discussion will flow, and we’ll close with our vows at 8:25 as usual.
Once our nomadic Dharma hall is packed away, all who are interested will go to Wooglins for breakfast and more conversation.
August 11, 2014 Monday evening :  Jane Rigler, an accomplished flutist and Buddhist practitioner, will be the guest speaker at our Monday night meditation.  She is an Assistant Professor of Music at UCCS and a participant in the Japanese lay Buddhist order called Shinno-en.  Her talk will focus on listening as a form of practice.  She will help us better understand how to listen, how to explore the sounds of our environment, and especially how to listen to music in a meditative way.  She will also play for us on her flute.  It should be an extraordinary evening!  Bring friends.

Summer Pot Luck

August 10th at 4:00, Creek Bend Zendo 7528 Jenkin Place.   Mark your calendar!

And please RSVP with your intended meal donation and number of welcomed family and friends.

There will be bocce ball, croquet, creek wading, food and visiting.   Contact Liz Cramer @ elizabeth.cramer51@gmail.com
Looking Ahead


Fall Meditation Retreat

October 15 to 19 at the Abbey at Canon City with Sarah Bender, Sensei.  Contact:  Steve Milligan (registrar) steve_milligan08@comcast.net